ish (as in ok-ish, better-ish, not so bad-ish)

Posted: 08/06/2008 in healing, life, struggle
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a couple of days passed the worst so far. another appt with my OB, the heartbeat, LOTS of kicking and def sleep/wake cycles, Anders is home. Life is somewhat back to some type of normalcy for now.

I gained 5lbs since last check up. I actually got my Dr. the one I’ve been with since I was 18. since I am having a c-section I am only making appointments with him because I won’t need whoever is on call if Im not going into labor. My Dr. said that now that I am at the right area of weight gain for how far along I am he wants me to really eat healthy to avoid blowing up like I did with Anders. he said for my height and build he’d feel good with 2 to 4 lbs a month from here on out and no more than that. fine with me. I gained 45 lbs with Anders and was miserable times 5. He would like 20 to 25 lbs tops with this one. Can do Dr. more protein, less “white” carbs, more whole grains. seems easy enough.

so to date I have gained 10lbs total. I’m at 21 weeks. baby is nearly 1lb and near 12 inches long head to feet. and I am very aware of this growth spurt. I look like I have a basketball on my front side ha ha. and he is kicking up a storm every two to three hours all day. Some of these kicks I can feel above my belly button already and my belly button is just slightly starting to push out at the top and widen, should be an outie soon enough. Dinner seems to be the big precursor to the most exciting movement all day. Yesterday for the first time Anders felt his brother kick like crazy. He loved it, of course it was immediately followed with “what does that feel like to you?” and “it doesn’t hurt does it?” more worried about mom than anything. He’s ever so gentle with his hands on my belly, I’ve told him he can press down and really feel or wiggle it around, he’s unsure though. Its very cute.

AND the biggest news of the summer, finally, Anders is riding without training wheels. At our old house he didn’t really have the space to ride often so he never learned. At this house he has tons of room and has been riding with training wheels for 3 months. One fell off and he had no idea so I said the other one comes off too. and VIOLA he rides!! yay!!

School starts in like 27 days! which means I can go back to some type of work in 27 days or so bring in a bit more $ and stop being so miserable and alone all day. And then all hell breaks lose. School, soccer, my sisters wedding shower, cousins wedding, Sister’s wedding, My baby shower in VA, setting up baby/nursery stuff, Anders b-day, Thanksgiving, Baby, then Christmas….I really should be careful complaining about having nothing to do and being alone, I really really should stop. YIKES.

basketball belly-21 weeks

basketball belly-21 weeks

  1. Newt says:

    Hey, sweet thing! I’m just checking in after getting back into town, and I’m so sorry to see you had a rough spell. I’m glad things are betterish, and hope the “ish” is gone soon. Glad you have so much to look forward to!

    Oh, and you look hot with that basketball belly. Very very cute.

  2. Azaera says:

    Happy to see you seem to be feeling a bit better. You look sooo cute!!

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